About Aloe Vera

About Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera


Of the 400 sub-species of the Aloe genus, it is above all the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller, which was chosen because of your efficiency and your strong growth of cultivation. Only two other types have approximately the same composition.

Aloe Pflanze ganzThe healing power of Aloe has been known for thousands of years.  Pharaohs, Romans and Incas knew their effect. In ancient China, the aloe Cinensis been used in medicine. Not only medicinal plant, but also a religious symbol of good luck, the aloe for the Muslims. The Indians used Aloe Vera juice as an insect repellent.

Cultivated in Japan Aloe Ferox and Aloe Saponara have by far not the validity, of the products used for the Savimax Aloe Barbadensis

She is still in areas where modern medicine is not yet widely used, the most important remedies.

From the mother plant initially an offshoot is removed and planted. Two years of intensive care is needed until the first leaves - can be used only external - can be harvested. In a special process the aloe vera gel is carefully separated from the leaf bark. Many manufacturers use the whole sheet, although in the bark any health-promoting substances are contained. Savimax Lanzaloe and only used just the gel and used the bark for natural fertilization of the fields.

The extracted aloe vera gel is filtered and immediately subjected patented stabilization process, because it can spoil quickly after the extraction. With laboratory examinations of the entire manufacturing process is monitored.